Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow, snow and more snow

Well, it's been an eventful winter so far.  We are now digging out from a 27" snowfall over the weekend, and there is more snow coming tomorrow.  We had imagined a very relaxing weekend- watch movies, maybe build a fire, sleep, cook, eat...  Alas, it was not to be.  Both girls are sick with RSV, a bad respiratory virus, so we spent most of the weekend administering various medications (in case you're curious, Caroline HATES the nebulizer. In fact, she strongly dislikes anything that requires her to stay still for more than, say, 10 seconds.)  We did LOTS of digging (Ryan did far more than I), some playing in the snow, some cooking, lots of eating, more digging...  We actually did manage to take Katie for a few sledding runs on Sunday, but she didn't last long before she had a total meltdown.  Fortunately, they both seem to be on the mend now, but I am running out of ideas for indoor craft activities!  I'm ready for spring.