Monday, August 18, 2008

Holy Moly Crap

Ok, so I have to add a few recent anecdotes for everyone.

The first is that the other day Katie was working on something, stopped, looked up at me, and said "Holy Moly Crap." Great. We had her saying "Holy Moly Guacamole" in Hawaii (the kid LOVES guacamole) and I'm sure one of us said "Holy Crap" in her presence - and now we have "Holy Moly Crap". Fabulous.

Katie is now singing all of the songs that have been sung to her over the past year. It's pretty funny, because of course she's not singing them correctly. In fact, she often repeats the same refrain over and over again. The Itsy Bitsy Spider, for example, is perpetually going "up the water spout" and the sun never seems to come out to "dry up all the rain". Poor spider is probably drowning. Ring around the Rosie goes like this: "Ring a rosie, pocket posies, ashes ashes, all fall down" and she insists you fall down (FALL DOWN, MOMMY!!!!). If you don't fall, she will pull you down. She's got Wheels on the Bus, Row, Row, Row Your Boat, It's Raining, It's Pouring, If You're Happy and You Know It, ABCs and, of course, all of her music class songs. When we go for a walk or run in the stroller, she serenades me with her version of these songs. It's pretty amusing!

And another before I go to bed - she woke up this morning, talked to herself for awhile, then started saying "Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy" then, "Mommy, can you hear me?" That got me out of bed. Laughing my a** off.

I'm a terrible blogger

So it turns out I'm just as abysmally bad at blogging as I was at scrapbooking. I'm going to try to be better, I swear.

We have had a busy two months since the last time I wrote (see? at least I have prepared an excuse for my non-blogging!). In June, we went to NYC for a weekend to visit Erin and Eric before they moved to LA, Kate, Foxy, and Julia came to visit us over Father's Day weekend, and then Mimi and Aunt Nini came to visit us at the end of the month. Mimi and Nini taught Katie all sorts of great things. She now knows about money, diamonds, Coach purses, makeup and credit cards. Fabulous. Thanks, guys. I'm sure their next visit will cover sex and drugs.

In July, we headed off to San Diego and Hawaii to spend time with Ryan's family. Katie had a fantastic time- she adores any form of water. The first day in Maui we headed straight to the beach (which was about 50 feet from the back door) and Katie stood at the edge of the water, holding my hand, just watching the waves. After a few minutes, a big wave came along and she backed up a few steps. Then the waves got smaller and she approached again. After a few more minutes, she was swimming in the ocean (with us, of course), kicking her little legs and laughing. She would wake up in the morning and say "ocean?" Yes, I think it's safe to say she enjoyed herself!

Katie spent lots of quality time with everyone in Ryan's family, which meant that we had time to go snorkeling and go on a "date" together. While snorkeling on the last morning, we saw FIVE sea turtles, up close and personal (in fact, one was a baby turtle -though it was still 2 feet across). Very cool. Our early morning venture (we left at 3 AM) to see the sunrise at Haleakala, on the other hand, was a miserable failure. When we got up there it was so cloudy that we could only see 5 feet in front of the car. In our ridiculous outfits (we didn't exactly bring cold-weather clothes) we waited on the top of Haleakala for sunrise. When it arrived, the big white clouds that surrounded us simply became a few shades brighter. So much for the awe-inspiring dawn. Oh well, all-in-all, we had a great time on Maui and it really was fun to have Katie with us this time.

Ok, that's all for now. I will post pictures as soon as I upload them to my laptop!